Enhance Your Gemba-Walk Experience: Embrace Ease and Excellence

The Gemba-Walk app was designed to be simple, visual, intuitive and fun, to help you improve operational efficiency on the floor.

See for Yourself!

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Watch this 10-minute video to see how easy it is to digitize your audits and Gemba walks toward continuous improvement.

What you’ll learn in this demo:

  • An overview of the Gemba-Walk app and how it works
  • When to use the desktop and mobile versions
  • What makes it so user-friendly
  • How fast the app compiles data
  • How to integrate tolerance thresholds and performance tracking
  • Greater continuous improvement and better ROI!

Watch the video

Why Choose Gemba-Walk?

Easy and fun to use

To identify and understand what needs to be improved.

Listen to and involve employees
to gain their collaboration

And act on what they think needs improvement—after all, they're the experts on the floor.

A Gemba walk that's quick to set up

The app can be set up in less than 30 minutes—no training or IT experts required.

Live on the cloud

Share identified or corrected areas for improvement, and much more, anytime, anywhere.

A 12% productivity gain in just 3 months!

Read the case study

Satisfaction and collaboration of employees on the floor

Read the case study

An app that's quick and easy to minimize the impact on productivity

Read the case study

Jump Into Action With Gemba-Walk