Version 2024.09.04

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Version 2024.09.04

New features and improvements


We have made significant improvements to the task page to meet our users’ requests. This new simplified display allows for better readability and more efficient management of routine tasks. 

Customized views

  • Active tasks: Allows you to see all uncompleted tasks.
  • New tasks: Allows you to see all the tasks created in the last 7 days.
  • Due tasks: Allows you to see all uncompleted tasks that are due within the next 14 days.
  • In progress tasks: Allows you to see all tasks in the Resolution.
  • Walks: Allows you to see the recurrence, by number of steps, of tasks that triggered a tolerance in the last 30 days.


Nouvelle version Gemba - Page de tâches (1640 x 856 px) (2)
  • Group by: Allows to filter tasks by assignment, department, sector or no filter.
  • Assignment: Allows to filter tasks by name, all, unassigned and assigned.
  • Priority: Filter tasks by priority (Low, Normal, High, Urgent) with separate icons.
  • Advanced mode: For users with specific needs, this mode offers more complex filters and grouping options.


  • Sector selection in the widget «Number of marches per period»: The widget named «Number of marches per period» now filters the number of marches for a specific sector. Previously, it was only possible to filter for a specific department.

Mobile application

  • Completed walks: The marches already performed during the day are now moved to the bottom of the list when preparing a march. This allows the user to easily identify those that are left for the day.

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