Types of questions to ask during floor tours

Gemba Walks are a powerful tool to improve processes and strengthen the culture of continuous improvement in a company. By going out into the field and asking the right questions, leaders can gain valuable insights on four key areas: health and safety, productivity, quality assurance and collaborative communications. 

Here are some questions to ask during your Gemba Walks, as well as an explanation of the importance of each axis and what they can improve.

Health and safety

The health and safety of employees are top priorities. By asking questions about these aspects, you can identify and solve potential problems before they become critical. This helps to reduce workplace accidents, improve employee well-being and create a safer work environment.

Examples of questions

  • Do you always use the appropriate safety equipment?
  • Have you noticed any safety risks in your work environment?
  • Have you received adequate training on safety?
  • Are all personal protective equipment available and in good condition?


Improving productivity is a constant goal for any business. By asking questions about productivity, you can identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks. This simplifies processes, reduces downtime and increases overall efficiency, This results in better use of resources and increased outcomes.

Examples of questions

  • Are the tools you use performing well?
  • Are there any tasks that take longer than necessary?
  • Do you have all the resources you need to complete your tasks?
  • Are current processes easy to follow?

Quality assurance

Ensuring the quality of products and services is crucial to maintaining customer satisfaction and the reputation of the company. By asking questions about quality assurance, you can identify quality issues and opportunities for improvement. This helps to ensure high standards, reduce defects and improve customer satisfaction.

Examples of questions

  • Are quality controls carried out regularly?
  • Are there any recurring quality issues that you have noticed?
  • Do you have the tools to perform quality checks?
  • Are the quality procedures clear and followed?

Communication and collaboration

Clear communication and effective collaboration are essential for the success of any organization. By exploring these areas, you can identify barriers to communication, improve coordination between teams and strengthen collaboration. This leads to better team cohesion and faster problem solving.

Examples of questions

  • Is communication between the different departments effective?
  • Do you have access to the communication tools needed for your work?
  • Do you feel listened to by your team?
  • Is important information shared in a timely manner?

Gemba Walks are a valuable opportunity to connect with employees and gain direct insights into operations. By asking targeted questions, you can identify areas for improvement and engage employees in finding solutions. These closed questions allow quick and clear answers, thus facilitating the identification of critical points.

Want to make the most of your Gemba Walks? Contact us today to find out how we can help you ask the right questions and transform your organization. Together we can create a safer, more productive and better working environment!
